Sober Living

Sober Living Houses (SLHs) and Sober Living Environments (SLEs) are trusted and certified alcohol and drug free living environments for individuals attempting to abstain from alcohol and drugs. Research has shown that outpatient treatment programs coupled with Sober Living Environments (SLEs) are as effective in treating chemical dependency as inpatient treatment.

Community, Accountability, Responsibility, Engagement, and FUN is critical to thrive during the recovery process, especially for those in early recovery. SLEs provide an instant community of like minded people with a common goal coupled with a focused network of resources and access to sober events. Residents are required to attend recovery based meetings, observe curfews, attend house meetings, participate in household responsibilities. Regular and random drug tests are also conducted. We strive to make it easier for “seekers “ to find the ideal sober living housing for their unique journey of establishing and maintaining new relationships with others wanting to achieve healthy lifestyle changes.

Proud To Serve The Continuum Of Recovery

When choosing an SLE, it’s critical that your recovery home adheres to the current NARR Standards and Code of Ethics. Seekhaven helps you to determine which of the NARR Standards levels of support is the right Sober living home for you. Operators and staff of residences certified as meeting NARR standards value and respect residents and put each individual’s recovery strengths and needs at the forefront of all decision making. Many residents in recovery seek to find others similar in very specific demographic and interest areas by military background, alternatives to incarceration, careers levels, LGBTQ, and beyond.

Recovery Residence - Levels of Support

Service Provider
Service Provider


  • Democratically run
  • Manual or P&P
  • House Manager or Senior Resident
  • Policy & Procedures
  • Organizational Hierarchy
  • Administrative Oversight for Service Providers
    Policy & Procedures
  • Licensing varies from state to state
  • Organizational Hierarchy
  • Clinical & Administrative Supervision
  • Policy & Procedures
  • Licensing varies from state to state


  • Drug Screening
  • House Meetings
  • Self Help Meetings encouraged
  • House Rules provide structure
  • Peer Run Groups
  • Drug Screening
  • House Meetings
  • Involvement in Self Help and/or Treatment Services
  • Life Skills Development Emphasis
  • Clinical Services utilized in outside community
  • Service hours provided in-house
  • Organizational Hierarchy
  • Clinical & Administrative Supervision
  • Policy & Procedures
  • Licensing varies from state to state


  • Generally single family residences
  • Primarily single family residences
  • Possibly apartments or other dwelling types
  • Varies – All types of residential settings
  • All types – often a step down phase within care continuum of a treatment center
  • May be a more institutional environment


  • No paid positions within the residence
  • Perhaps an overseeing officer
  • At least 1 compensated position
  • Facility Manager
  • Certified Staff or Case Managers
  • Certified Staff